
Charcoal Cream & Charcoal Face Wash & Charcoal Mask Exfoliating Pollution Control Deep Cleanse


1,120.00 672.00

  1. Charcoal cream, also known as charcoal-infused moisturizer or night cream, is a skincare product that combines the benefits of charcoal with the hydrating properties of a cream. It is designed to provide moisture to the skin while helping to detoxify and purify it. Charcoal in the cream can help to remove dirt, toxins, and impurities from the skin’s surface. This can be particularly beneficial for people with oily or acne-prone skin.
  2. Charcoal face wash, often referred to as charcoal cleanser or charcoal facial cleanser, is a cleansing product that contains activated charcoal as a key ingredient. This type of face wash is intended to cleanse the skin deeply by drawing out impurities and excess oil. It is suitable for those with oily or acne-prone skin, as well as for anyone looking for a deep cleanse to remove dirt and pollutants.
  3. A charcoal mask, also known as a charcoal peel-off mask or a charcoal clay mask, is a skincare product designed for periodic deep cleaning and exfoliation. Charcoal masks typically contain activated charcoal along with other ingredients like clay or adhesive substances. When applied and dried on the skin, the mask can be peeled off or washed off, and it helps to remove blackheads, dead skin cells, and other impurities. Charcoal masks are known for their ability to leave the skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated.


help remove dead skin cells and promote smoother skin. Charcoal can help control excess oil production, making it suitable for individuals with oily or combination skin types. which can help remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin looking brighter and smoother. This cream purifies and detoxifies pores, leaving skin refreshed and revitalized. Its deep-cleansing properties help to reduce blackheads, acne, and blemishes, promoting a clearer and healthier complexion with a matte finish.


  1. Deep Cleansing: Activated charcoal effectively unclogs pores and removes debris, providing a thorough and refreshing cleanse.
  2. Acne Control: By eliminating excess oils and impurities, charcoal face washes help prevent acne breakouts and reduce blackheads.
  3. Skin Detoxification: The purifying properties of charcoal help detoxify the skin, leaving it feeling rejuvenated.
  4. Exfoliation: Some charcoal face washes contain gentle exfoliating agents that remove dead skin cells, promoting a smoother and more radiant complexion.
  5. Hydration: Charcoal creams often contain moisturizing ingredients that maintain skin hydration, ensuring that the skin remains supple and comfortable.
  6. Skin Brightening: Charcoal creams may contain brightening agents like vitamin C that promote a more even complexion and reduce the appearance of dark spots.